"Hey teacher, read them kids a poem!"
Or a book.
Monkey Magic has been read all over the world in classrooms to entertain children, and to shine a light on some of the challenges facing the planet. Some schools added The Curse of Mukada to their curriculum and one even put on a play based on the book.
Maybe it's one for your classroom?
“Cleverly woven with delicious subplots, Monkey Magic is also strewn with environmental references and information that are played upon in a subtle but vital way. I’ve always loved an engaging story that also teaches – parents, teachers and librarians will be similarly enthralled, for this very reason – but I’m also happy to say that kids won’t become bogged down in a plot full of preaching. The messages are well done, the plot is well-crafted and the storyline is full of enough action, adventure, magic, baddies and goodies to make it a real page-turner.”
TANIA McCARTNEY, Kids Book Review
"Highly recommended as a story telling resource for primary aged children - one which takes them on an adventure to the jungles of Borneo to meet the orangutans and also one that inspires thought regarding the current conservation issues of illegal logging in Indonesia and protection of the jungles and the orangutans natural habitat."
JULIE NEWNHAM, Australian author and teacher